Since we finished painting the nursery, we have spent some time working to return our front room to "normal" (although we hear that will be a relative term!). You may have seen the photos in our previous posts showing how much our front room was literally upside down. It took a bit of maneuvering (the first few ways we thought it would work REALLY didn't work!), but we are pretty happy with the results now.
Our front area is MUCH bigger than it was before and our dining room area lost a bit of square footage in the process, but we figure we will be using the living room area more than the dining room area over the next year or so anyway.
To celebrate our front room, we bought a nice big storage ottoman to hold all of our throw blankets and put our feet up on!
We still have a few things we need to move around/pictures to hang, etc in order to make it just right, but for the moment, we are so happy now to be able to lounge around and enjoy our house once again!
Here are all of our front room photos!