Lisa's birthday (29 or so, right?) was on Thursday this past week and we were able to go out and celebrate on Friday. Scott took the afternoon off from work and Grammie Chris came up for the day to take care of Alice. We both had on real clothes (no sweat pants allowed on date night!) but Lisa needed to get in her final hugs before we headed out for the afternoon.

Alice was not too happy to see us go, but Grammie said she was very well behaved for the rest of the afternoon.

Our first date as parents involved a quick lunch in Davis square (even with drinks!) and then we went to see 'The Hangover'. The movie was great and we were able to get home at 5:00pm

After we got home, we still had a bottle left over, so Scott got to feed Alice for the first time! The funniest thing about her eating the bottles is that she downs them soooo fast! I'm working on a video to highlight this fact so stayed tuned!