Alice has enjoyed watching the Red Sox on TV all season, so she was very excited to visit Fenway and see what all the fuss was about. Here she was getting ready to go. As you can see, her hat is still a bit big on her!:
In other news, Alice now loves "sitting up" like a big girl on the sofa. Here she is showing off her new skills:
Alice and Ella have become fast friends and now spend some time talking and hanging out every day:
Even though Alice is only about to pass the three month mark, she is eager to get moving! Here she is attempting to crawl over to No-nee. We have no doubt she will be up and moving around long before we are ready!
On Monday of this past week, Leah and her roommate Korynne came over to make us dinner and spend the evening visiting with us. Here is everyone checking out Leah's new Blackberry!
Alice has really become quite helpful and enjoys folding clothes with Daddy and Mommy every Sunday evening. Here she is helping Daddy fold clothes. She is all cheeks and chins and thighs these days and it is impossible to avoid just eating her up! :)
Here she is posing for the camera. She is really becoming quite the ham these days!
Finally, we attended Dan and Holly's son Emery's 1st birthday party at a park in Brookline. Here is Alice and Daddy visiting with Emery and his Grandma. The party was lots of fun!
Oh my she is getting so big. I just ordered a whole bunch of these from Walmart to be picked up in the morning so everyone can see her. Kisses from grandma