Sunday, June 3, 2012

Missing Daddy

Daddy got a new job!  He still works for the same company, but now he is working a desk helping the company with contract negotiations rather than at the bench doing chemistry.  It's a big change for Daddy, but he is enjoying it so far, and we are so proud of him!

Since he has had so much to learn in his new role, he has started to travel more for work than he has in the past.  The upside of that for Daddy is that he has had a chance to visit more with our old friend, Joey, who lives near amd works at the site in Pennsylvania where Daddy has done most of his training:
While Daddy has been out of town, Alice and Mommy have explored Salem to pass the time.  Here is Alice, taking in some live music during the Salem Arts Festival:

Alice and Mommy went to Maria's, a local diner, for breakfast and here Alice is showing Daddy that she got French Toast just like he likes to get and she loved it!:
Here, Alice is showing off the menu at Salem Beer Works where Alice and Mommy went for dinner:
... and Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt for dessert! Yum!:
Alice's favorite part of the Salem Arts Festival was popping into a little side stage and hearing Katey O'Callaghan perform and meeting her after her performance.  Alice went right up to her and told her that she LOVED her performance so much!  Katey gave Alice this photo with lots of info about how to hear Katey's music online.  Alice was over the moon! (Check her out here.):
We are so proud of you, Daddy, and can't wait to hear about all of your adventures when you get back home!
Here are the rest of Alice and Mommy's adventures in Salem while Daddy was away for work.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone is having fun. That is the way it is suppose to be.
