Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekends in September

Not a lot to report these days.  Alice is getting bigger and more slobbery every day.  She had her four month appointment this past week where she weighed in at a 14.0 lbs! Big girl!  Just this past night she slept in 6-mo pj's! 

She has a couple new tricks up her sleeve these days.  She has learned to cross her fingers, suck on her upper lip and chew on her feet.  She also finds it hilarious if you do any of the above back to her!

Its been a good September and we are looking forward to October.  Who knows what she will be for Halloween.  Perhaps someone will leave a great comment to this post and we will be inspired!  More pictures are here, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Alice's shirt says it all.... Super Happy Little Girl. Adorable.
