Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!  As usual, we had a low-key day and didn't do anything extravagant (unlike that Valentine's Day 8 years ago when we closed on our house!  We just know we will never top that day!).

Alice and Mommy worked hard to make Daddy a nice Valentine's Day dinner when he got home.  Upon saying grace tonight, we learned who Alice believes we are praying to when she said "Come "Lord Pizza" (apparently, aka Jesus), be our Guest and let these gifts to us be Blessed.  Amen."  We had to laugh at that one! 

Here are some shots from the evening:
Burgundy Pork Loin:
Sesame Broccoli and Bell Peppers:
Alice has been potty training recently.  She has had some success with both the poo-poos and the pee-pees, but is still just beginning to get the hang of it.
Here are the rest of our Valentine's Day photos.  Enjoy!

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